Monday, June 29, 2015

Taking Care of Horses

I would like to thank Joshua Adekane for contributing an article to our animal blog. It is so nice to have someone else write once and a while. A horse hair shampoo is most essential item for horses. It is used to cleanse their body along with the genital area. It is highly recommended to do a few allergic testing before applying this product . If, soon after 24 hours, no issue has happened, you can continue using it. Aloe-based shampoos are the great kinds of shampoo that should be used. Shampooing the horse is a vital part for making them well-groomed. Hair brushes are crucial for horses also. They come in different sizes and in different types also. A horse's body may look shinier if it is hair is brushed . For many, brushing is just a part of a horse's great grooming . People must know that brushing a horse's hair can make the animal feel comfortable. It also helps in proper circulation of blood. Horse rugs are also warm items which are well-known horse products. They are essential simply because they protect the horses from diverse weather conditions. Quite a few horses which are seen in higher altitudes need rugs to secure it from bitter cold winds. Rugs should fit the horse's body exactly for much better comfort . Horse rugs come in different kinds and fashions. Horse's vitamins are famous products too. Nutritional vitamins must be provided to horses for proper nutrition. Like mankind, they need vitamin supplements and mineral for the right development as well as prevention of ailments. They must be given the proper amount and must be taken consistently as prescribed by an equine vet. Vitamins help horses recover better . Horse shoes are also popular items to stop a horse from acquiring injured while walking. A shoe serves as their safety for each of their hooves. It may also help them in avoiding possible injury to their hooves . Horse's hooves needs to be inspected always mainly because they also need cutting. If left unchecked, hooves may dry up and split that could cause extreme pain and prevent a horse from being able to walk or even stand . Horses should be taken care of correctly. They must be supplied with good grooming as well as training simply because horses are certainly responsive to germs as well as bacterial infection along with physical injuries. It can make them feel good and at ease. Horses are naturally nervous so which makes them comfy is a wise idea to help them perform properly. Furthermore, giving ample stables will serve as protection from heavy rains or winter cold. Serving the horses with healthy diet will also make certain that their resistance from diseases will not be compromised. People should also provide them with all of the required nutritional supplements they need. You should also speak with a horse all the time because they are very wise and also receptive animals. Owning a horse is a big duty. Additionally, it could get very expensive particularly if the horse periodically gets sick. So pamper your horse with efficient horse care items that can help them perform better. Even animals require a comfortable and safe environment. For several, raising a horse is like raising a child. It costs a lot but the happiness and also contentment you get from nurturing them is immeasurable. About The Author Joshua Adekane is a devoted horse care blogger. To read his latest posts about equine care please click here equine supply The author invites you to visit:

Saturday, June 20, 2015

When to Call the Vet for Your Cat

The most important thing you can do when caring for a vet is make sure that he or she is healthy. When you have a cat, this is very important. Because a cat cannot tell you what is wrong, you must be alert to changes in your cat. Knowing when to call your vet is very important, but it can be hard to know if there’s really something wrong or not. Knowing your cat’s normal behavior is important. First of all, what are his eating and elimination habits? Some cats eat their meals in one sitting, while others eat bites all day. If your cat has had a chance in appetite, this could indicate a problem. Your cat should also be using the litter box regularly, and diarrhea, constipation, and straining to urinate are all causes for concern. Ever cat is different, so make sure to notice how your cat normally eats and eliminates in order to notice when something is wrong. Your cat’s daily activities should also be somewhat regular. If your cat is always playing and then suddenly seems less active, you may have cause for concern. However, slowly becoming less active is a natural part of aging, and some cats are naturally just not as energetic as others. Make sure you note sudden chances and call your vet if you are concerned. Watch for problems with gait as well, as this could indicate arthritis or injury, among other things. Along with activity, watch grooming habits. Cats are very neat and tidy creatures by nature, so your cat should be grooming him- or herself regularly. Over-grooming may also be dangerous to your cat’s health. It is also important to know when there is an emergency situation. In general, if there is any doubt in your mind, call your vet or even take your cat straight to the vet’s office. For example, if your cat gets hit by a car, but is not bleeding, you should still have him or her examined, as internal problems could be of concern. You should also consider it an emergency if your cat suddenly has an extreme change in health. For example, if your cat suddenly begins vomiting frequently, he or she may have been poisoned, which can be fatal. Pet cat health care may be similar to caring for other pets. But such care may also have its own differences. One of them is that pet cats may suffer from a host of different diseases that other pets may not go through. Here is a list of some feline diseases that pet cats may suffer from at some point. Feline Distemper Feline Infectious Peritonitis This is another viral infection that is also fatal in cats. Once your pet cat shows signs of this infection, it can take years and years of trouble. This infection is usually common mostly in young adult cats and can be transmitted to other cats. There are two known types of this infection. There is the "dry" type where the young adult cat is affected by high fever as well as problems with internal organs such as the kidneys, lungs and the intestines. With this type of infection, the cats never seem improve no matter how well the treatment is given.
There is also the "wet" type of the disease has the young adult cat having a fluid discharge within the abdomen. Occasionally the cat's chest displays a golden and dense liquid that contains flakes within. This infection makes the cat run a high fever and would usually not eat well. The only protection that cats can have over the disease is vaccination. But vaccines should be given to pet cats prior to any exposure to the virus or else the vaccine would not be very effective to prevent any infection.
Feline immune Deficiency Viru
This disease is similar to the Human Immune Deficiency Virus or HIV in humans. This virus in only found in cats and is being spread mainly through a bite from an infected cat. This disease suppresses the cat's immune system and leads the cat to be more prone to all sorts of infection. There is an intranasal vaccine available to protect cats from the FIV infection although some veterinarians are not that convinced that it can protect more effectively as compared to other vaccines.
The important thing is to never take matters into your own hands if you are unsure. A vet can make sure that your cat is healthy and happy. As a guardian for your pet, it is your responsibility to provide this care whenever necessary, and its always best to be safe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Common Health Problems Of Cats, Why Cat Health Insurance is Almost Mandatory Now To Owning A Cat.

If you are new to owning a cat, you may be surprised to find that health problems are a common thing. No matter what breed of cat you own, health problems are to be expected. Some may be hereditary, while others can easily be prevented. Behavioral Problems This is an important problem when adopting especially like shelter cats. After months in a cage almost all the cats that you would adopt have some behavioral problems and diagnosing them and helping to break the cat of it can be expensive. Worms No matter what breed of cat it may be, worms are a very common and recurring problem. Tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms are among the most common that infect cats. Cats who have problems gaining weight, problems with fleas, or if you find white specks in his stool, you should have your vet test him for worms. Although they can be treated with medicine, worms can prove to be fatal if they are left untreated. Hairball Hairballs are the most common health problem for cats. All cats groom themselves on a daily basis, normally swallowing the loose hair that comes from their coats. On occasion, this loose hair will gather into a ball and become lodged in the digestive tract instead of passing through in your cat’s stool. When your cat starts to cough and hack, he is normally coughing up a hairball. Although it can be rather disgusting in the end, most cats can dislodge hairballs without any problems. In rare cases, a hairball can pass through to a cat’s intestine, creating a blockage. Blockages are very serious problems, and can be life threatening if they aren’t treated. If your cat becomes constipated, isn’t eating properly, or has a very dull coat, he could have a blockage. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should take him to the vet immediately. You can prevent hairballs and blockages by brushing your cat 2 – 3 times a week to remove loose hair. You can also feed him food that is designed to control hairballs as well. Urinary tract infection Urinary tract infection is also a common health problem with cats. Urinary tract infection is more common with male cats that haven’t been neutered, although females can suffer from this problem as well. When a cat suddenly stops going to his litter box, this problem is normally the cause. Another symptom is when the cat’s urine starts to smell really strong. If you suspect that your cat has a urinary tract infection, you should take him to the vet. Your vet can treat the problem with medicine, and make recommendations to help avoid this problem in the future. Feline leukemia In the past, feline leukemia was the biggest cause of death in cats. These days however, there are vaccines available that can treat the disease. To treat the disease, your cat will need to be given the shot before he or she is exposed. Even though death doesn’t happen immediately, cats that are exposed to feline leukemia normally don’t have a long life span. If you know your cat has feline leukemia, you should never allow other cats around him, as the virus is highly contagious. To protect your cat, you should always make sure that you take him to the vet for his regular check ups. If you keep him up to date on his vaccinations, he should lead a healthy and productive life. Although some health problems can’t be avoided, most of them can. You can also keep your cat indoors as well, which will protect him from a majority of health problems. If your cat is an outdoor cat, regular visits to the vet will keep him healthy. As long as you take your cat to the vet and keep him healthy – he will be your companion for years to come. Do you need Pet Insurance Cost of Insurance runs around $25 to $35 a month. Regardless of the insurance provider, your veterinarian should be monitoring the health of your pet as part of a valid Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship 1.
The insurance provider should clearly spell out to you the details, including the limitations and exclusions, of coverage for routine and/or wellness care as well as emergency treatments and conditions that require extensive care. Find out how your premiums will be increased as your pet ages or if you make any claims.
See if they have add-on options to provide any specific coverage (e.g., dental care, travel insurance, etc.) you may want. Find out how they define and handle pre-existing conditions (diseases or conditions your pet already has – or has had – prior to purchasing the insurance plan).
In some cases, insurance providers will not insure a specific pet or breed of pet, or may limit the number of pets you can insure, if they consider them "high risk."
Some providers will give multiple pet discounts. 4.
All of the charges, including co-pays, deductibles, add-on charges and other fees, should be clearly explained to you so you fully understand the policy and its limitations.
You should be allowed to choose the veterinarian who will provide veterinary care for your pet. 5.
Pet insurance plans are generally reimbursement plans – you pay the bills up front and are reimbursed by the insurance provider. Ask the insurance provider how claims are processed as well as the timeframe for reimbursement of your expenses so you know what to expect. If you're concerned about covering the expenses up front, ask your veterinarian about payment options that will work for you in case you need to make arrangements. (It's best to find out your options ahead of time so you don't have the added stress of trying to make payment arrangements on an emergency basis.)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Cats Bonding With Their Owners

There are a lot of experts out there who say that cats are strictly independent animals. These very same experts state that cats have chosen to associate with humans due to their strategy of survival. Although many argue with this statement, there are many who agree as well – although those that agree are normally those in the percentile who do not agree with cats. Anyone who has owned a cat will tell you that cats are great at bonding with people, although they are very particular. Normally, a cat will choose someone in the home that he bonds with. You will know when a cat wants to bond with you, as he will hop on your lap seeking attention or snuggle up to you at night when you are sleeping. Purring is a strong sign of affections, especially with cats that are looking to bond. Although many experts have tried to figure it out, no one really knows why cats choose a particular person whom they will bond with. It could be the individual’s manners, voice, or simply how that person treats the cat. Perhaps it may be the individual is really gentle, or maybe a little more forceful – bringing the best out in the cat. There are a lot of ways that researchers have tried to take this subject, one of which being psychic. Some say that cats bond with someone due to a “psychic aura” that is compatible with both the person and the cat. If a cat feels that someone is giving them a bad vibe, they will simply ignore that person. Although this can be true to a sense for some, a majority of those who own cats will tell you that this couldn not be any further from the truth. Even though there are a lot of theories and speculation out there, no one really knows why cats bond with humans. There’s little to no proof available as well, other than cats and their natural instinct for physical survival. Those who own cats know that cats crave attention, simply to make them feel needed. They love to be pampered by their owners, and will shower you with attention and affection if you just give them the chance. Those who are new to owning cats may find bonding to be very different. Cats are different from other animals, including dogs, in the sense that they bond different. Different breeds of cats will bond different with their owners, although most prefer affection and attention. The more time you spend around your cat, the more he will bond with you. Over the years, you will find that the bond you create with your pet has grown very strong – and simply cannot be broken. Here are three signs of love from your cat. Your cat brings you their “presents” 1.Not for the faint of heart, when your cat brings you their kill it is actually meant as a present… even though it’s a present you do not want to touch with your bare hands. Cats are natural hunters, so when they bring you these gifts they are trying to show you what they can “offer” you. Think of it as a love token, even if the sight of a dead bird/rodent makes you squeal. Once we went camping and my cat caught all these live things, mice, a baby rabbit, a bird, Then she put them under my pillow in the tent. I went to bed and snuggled up with the pillow and it started to move. I went screaming out of tent. My cat's way of telling me she really loved me. 2. There you are, just watching TV together. You reach over to stroke your adorable kitty, who’s snoozing on the next cushion. The next thing you know, your hand is caught in a vice grip of tiny cat teeth. What happened? Nibbling or ‘love biting’ is just your cat’s way of saying, ‘hey thanks for those awesome rubs! I like you too.’ Love bites are often the natural progression for a cat who likes to lick. 3. Socializing is a huge factor for humans and animals. A cat that lives outdoors and isn't played with may turn out to be aloof and indifferent to people. A beloved house cat that gets a lot of attention and play might follow you around and get involved in everything you do. My cat loves to get up in my face when I’m trying to work, repeatedly slamming her forehead into my nose, chin, whatever. Turns out she isn't doing a Zinedine Zidane impression. Head bonking (actually called ‘bunting’) is a cat's way of marking something that they love and trust, and should be considered a huge compliment. Advertising isn’t cheap; join today and get a 25 percent discount on your advertising for life!

Animals are parents too

I want to let you know about an event that changed my life many years ago. It is a memory that periodically comes and goes, but it is one of the most precious memories that me and my wife share. I am thankful that we can remember it together. It's a...

International Homeless Animals Day

International Homeless Animals Day   Since 1992 the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) has been holding International Homeless Animals' Day on the 3rd Saturday of August. It started with a candlelight vigil to observe the suffering of...

Hot Weather Tips for Animals

We all look forward to the long, sunny days of summer outdoors with our pets, those long hot days of summer in the park throwing the frisbee, but being overly enthusiastic in hot weather can spell danger Summer is upon us and you know what that means – blissful summer nights, warm sunny
The higher temperatures and long sunny days are one of the best things about the “dog days” of summer, but can pose some dangers to animals unless precautions and safety measures are taken.r, ASPCA experts warn. What is fun in the sun for you can be dangerous for your pet. Take simple precautions and use common sense. I never expose my dog or cat to anything I would not expose my child to. So follow some simple rules and all will be fun.
Visit the Vet 1. Early Spring is the time for a vet visit. Check your animal's health as well as ask the vet to check for heartworm, recommend a good flea and tick regime.
Shade, Shade and More Shade 2. Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water when it's hot outdoors. Make sure your pets have a shady place to get out of the sun, be careful to not over-exercise them, and keep them indoors when it's extremely hot. Know What the Symptoms are for dehydration
3. Symptoms of overheating in pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse. They can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees. Animals with flat faces, like Pugs and Persian cats, are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant as effectively. These pets, along with the elderly, the overweight, and those with heart or lung diseases, should be kept cool in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible. Better safe than sorry.
Do not leave your pet alone in a parked car on hot days. Despite the warnings, every year, pets die after their owners leave them in a parked car that overheats. Within just a few minutes, a car can get extremely hot, stifling, and deadly, even with the window cracked. Within 30 minutes it was 117 degrees inside the car. “Never, ever leave your dog in a parked car on a hot day.
Provide your Pet With A Cool Way to Cool Off A Kiddy pool is a great thing to provide your pet with but be sure to supervise not all dogs are good swimmers. Avoid Potential Accidents "During warmer months, the ASPCA sees an increase in injured animals as a result of High-Rise Syndrome, which occurs when pets-mostly when they fall out of windows or off of balconies. I put fish net on my balcony to prevent children or pets from falling. I put it from the top of the balcony to the bottom and securely fasten it down. I then planted climbing plants on it. I still had a view because I left the middle fish netting free. I also raised two vintage tomato plants in pots on each side of the railing. I also secured all screen by screw by ing them down tight. Summer Trim Feel free to trim longer hair on your dog or Cat, but never shave your animals: The layers of dogs'& cats coats protect them from overheating and sunburn. Brushing cats more often than usual can prevent problems caused by excessive heat. And be sure that any sunscreen or insect repellent product you use on your pets is labeled specifically for use on animals. When the temperatures get high never Leave your pet lingering on hot asphalt as it can heat up their bodies and burn their paws. Buy doggie and cat shoes to prevent their paws from burning, this also works for not having their paw freeze. Keep the walks to a minimum as exercising is not good in the heat, Avoid Chemicals Commonly used flea and tick products, rodenticides (mouse and rat baits), and lawn and garden insecticides can be harmful to cats and dogs if ingested, so keep them out of reach. When walking your dog, steer clear of areas that you suspect have been sprayed with insecticides or other chemicals. Keep citronella candles, oil products and insect coils out of pets' reach as well. Call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 if you suspect your animal has ingested a poisonous substance. My friend just lost her dog to brain cancer that the vet said was the cancer was due to lawn chemicals. Taking your Dog to A Party Taking your dog to a backyard barbeque or party? Remember that the food and drink offered to guests may be poisonous to pets. Keep alcoholic beverages away from pets, as they can cause intoxication, depression and comas. Similarly, remember that the snacks enjoyed by your human friends are not necessarily good for your dog. Allowing your pet; any change of diet, even for one meal, may give your dog or cat diarrhea and severe stomach upset. Avoid raisins, grapes, onions, chocolate and products with the sweetener xylitol, Marijuana. A friend just fed her dog edible marijuana by accident but she did not secure the edibles or she would not of got into them. She left cookies containing marijuana on the table and the dog ate them had seizures.
Don't take your pet to see the fireworks or have them around while you do them at home. Please leave pets at home when you head out to Fourth of July celebrations, and never use fireworks around pets. Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns or trauma to curious pets, and even unused fireworks can be hazardous. Many types of fireworks contain potentially toxic substances such as potassium nitrate, copper, chlorates, arsenic and other heavy metals. Last year several people I know took their pets out while doing fireworks and they got burned. Remember pets are like children they need your protection.

It is National Adopt a Cat Month

Here is the official national adopt a cat site: If you can't adopt a cat how about sponsoring one.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cats And Ring Worm

Ringworm is a very common form of skin disease that is found in both dogs and cats. Although its name makes you think otherwise, this skin disease is not caused by any type of worm. It’s actually caused by fungi known as Dermatophytes that feed on dead tissues found in the surface of the skin, spreading them around the skin of the animal. With cats, there is a certain type of fungi known as M Canis that is found with nearly 95% of all ringworm cases. Normally, cats will get the ringworm disease from contaminated objects like bedding, clippers, or another animal that already has the disease. If there are animals in your home or around your house that have the ringworm disease, your cat could very easily contract it this way. If you have kittens or cats that are under a year old in your home, you should always use precaution, as they are more susceptible to ringworm. Kittens can easily contract the disease, especially if you allow them to go outside. They can easily come in contact with a contaminated object or another cat that has the disease. Kittens take a long time to build their immune system up, and in the meantime they are more apt to get common disease such as ringworm. The most common symptoms of ringworm in cats are rough or broken hairs, or hair loss around the head or the paws. Ringworm can easily be identified by a patch of scaly skin on the body that appears itchy and inflamed. There will also be broken hairs around the patch of scaly skin. This area is very sensitive, and you should never try to touch it, as it will hurt your cat. If you notice any of the above symptoms with your pet, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your vet. If the vet diagnosis your cat with ringworm, he may prescribe ointment or tablets. What he describes however, will determine on how serious the ringworm is. If he prescribes tablets to your cat, you should give them with meals. Ointment on the other hand, is normally spread into the coat, topically. You should always use what your vet prescribes on a daily basis, to ensure that your cat heals. The healing process will take time, normally around six weeks or more.
Cats that have ringworm should be labeled as infectious. If you have children in the house, you should keep them away from your pet. Whenever you handle your cat, you should always use gloves. Ringworms are contagious, and you should always use caution. Even though it’s a mild disease, ringworm can result in serious problems due to the slow recovery time and fact that it’s contagious.1. What is ringworm? Ringworm is not caused by a worm, but is the common name given to an infection of the surface of the skin, hair or nails with a type of fungus called a dermatophyte. There are many types of dermatophyte and the most common one that causes ringworm in cats is Microsporum canis (M canis); it is seen in over 90 per cent of cases. Other causes of ringworm in cats include Trichophyton species. Spores are the infectious stage of the dermatophyte and may be shed on the infected hairs of affected animals or people. These spores are very robust and can remain infectious in the environment, blown by the wind for up to two years.
Ringworm is contagious to people and other animals. Care must be taken when handling/dealing with infected cats as it is a zoonotic disease that can be passed from cats to people. 2. How is ringworm diagnosed? Four tests are available for diagnosing ringworm: 1. Examination of the hair coat and skin 2. Wood’s lamp examination 3. Direct examination of hairs under a microscope 4. Dermatophyte (fungal) culture When cats, and especially kittens, come in to CP care, carefully inspect their hair coat and skin for lesions. Look for any areas of hair loss, scabbing or crusting, especially focal areas affecting the face, ears, feet and tail. Perform a Wood’s lamp examination of all suspicious lesions, making sure the correct procedure is followed and bearing in mind the limitations of this examination (see section titled: What are the details of the diagnostic tests that are used?). Only 50 per cent of dermatophyte species fluoresce and some non-fungal materials will fluoresce. Warm up the lamp five to 10 minutes before use and do not shine directly into the cat’s eyes. Ensure the vet screens for ringworm on the initial vet check. Further diagnostic testing (for example, fungal culture and microscopic examination) may be warranted (see section titled: What are the details of the diagnostic tests that are used?). The only thing better than good advertising, is getting it for a great price! Enjoy a 25 percent discount when you sign up for now!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Cats And Feline Diabetes

Cats are one of the most popular pets in North America. They are loving pets, capable of providing you years of companionship. Like other pets, cats can sometimes get sick. There are several different types of ailments that cats can get, one of which is feline diabetes. Feline diabetes is a serious disease, although it can be treated by a veterinarian. Diabetes is more common with humans than with cats or other animals. The cause of diabetes is actually quite simple. Sugar, or glucose, is found in the blood. The level of blood sugar in the body or the animal is kept under control by hormone insulin, which the pancreas produces. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, diabetes is to blame. The symptoms of feline diabetes will vary. The most common symptoms include an increase in urine and an increase in thirst. Other symptoms of feline diabetes include a loss of appetite, weight loss, and a poor coat. An increase in thirst is easy to detect, as you can easily notice the water dish empty throughout the day. If you do not get your cat treated for feline diabetes immediately, the cat will eventually become inactive, vomit on a regular basis, and eventually fall into a coma. On the other hand, if you get the diabetes treated in time, the cat will more than likely lead a normal and healthy life. Keep in mind that treatment doesn’t happen overnight – it takes time and dedication. Cats that have feline diabetes will need to be given food at the same time every day. They should be prevented from going outside as well. If your cat has diabetes, you’ll need to give him insulin shots once or twice or a day. Once your veterinarian checks your cat, he will tell you how many shots and how much insulin you need to give your cat. Before you give your cat his insulin shot, you should always make sure that he has some food first. If he hasn’t eaten and you give him a shot anyway, he could end up with a hypoglycemic shock. This can also occur from too much insulin as well. A hypo can be really dangerous, and should be avoided at all costs. If your cat gets a hypoglycemic shock and you aren’t around, he may end up dying. If you have to give insulin shots to your cat due to feline diabetes, you should always keep a watchful eye on him after you have administered the shot. After your cat has been on insulin for a period of time, your vet may reduce the amount of insulin. Even though he may have to stay on insulin the rest of his life, he will lead an otherwise healthy life. stores Diet is the foundation of health. Putting a little thought into what you feed your cat(s) can pay big dividends over their lifetime and very possibly help them avoid serious, painful, and costly illnesses. An increasing number of nutrition-savvy veterinarians, including board-certified veterinary internists, are now strongly recommending the feeding of canned food instead of dry kibble. The three key negative issues associated with dry food are: 1) water content is too low 2) carbohydrate load is too high 3) I stopped feeding plant based cat food a long time ago. I feed grain free kibbles. In addition, dry food is very heavily processed which includes being subjected to high temperatures for a long time resulting in alteration and destruction of nutrients. Dry food is also often contaminated with bacteria, fungal mycotoxins, storage mites/cockroaches and their feces, etc. Where do you think kibble would reside in this scenario? Definitely not in the "perimeter"! There is nothing fresh about this source of food and it certainly does not come close to resembling a bird or a mouse. Also keep in mind that dry foods are not refrigerated and they sit in warm warehouses, on pet store shelves, and in your cupboards for weeks or months before your pets consume them. Fats can easily become rancid, and bacteria will proliferate, in this type of environment. There is no doubt that dry food is responsible for far more intestinal problems, and other diseases, than most veterinarians and cat owners realize. I have fed a expensive cat food until lately I noticed my cat that the one I was feeding now was corn, soy, as the main ingredients I can feed the cat chicken for as inexpensively as the kibbles I have been feeding. So I started taking her off on just some ground chicken ground into a pate. I added some uncooked veggies. I left her on kibbles to start with. But they're a rich source of vitamins, and they're loaded with fiber and water to help with digestion. Try fresh cucumber or cantaloupe, steamed broccoli or asparagus, or mashed potatoes. Although you might have better luck slipping him a veggie burger -- really. Join right now and not only will you enjoy a blog chockfull of industry information, you’ll receive a 25 percent discount on advertising!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Groundwork to Establishing Pack Structure with Adult Dogs

Written by
Ed Frawley

After 50 years of training dogs, over 30 as a professional dog trainer there are a few sayings that make a lot of sense to me:
  1. "Dogs don't know how to be good unless we show them."
  2. "You create your dogs value system."
  3. "People don't give birth to a brat!"
  4. You can feed, water, and love your dog and he will like you, but he very well may not respect you.
  5. Dogs know what you know and they know what you do not know.
This article details how I establish pack structure with an adult dog. This is especially important with dogs that are predisposed to becoming dominant or aggressive.
The information you are about to read is the way we introduce new dogs in our home here at Leerburg. It also explains the way I have gained control over some very tough and dangerous dominant dogs that I have owned over the past 45 plus years of breeding, owning, and training police service dogs.
Becoming a pack leader involves adopting the attitude of a pack leader. It does not involve aggression towards a dog, it doesn't involve rolling him on his back, hard leash corrections or even raising your voice to the dog. It involves adopting a leader's attitude. This is something that new dog owners must learn how to do.
Every dog knows a leader when he is in the presence of one. They can sense a leader. They don't need leash corrections to consider their owner a pack leader. In fact inappropriate corrections often result in a dog looking at the offender with contempt rather than respect.
There is an old saying; Dogs know what you know and they know what you don't know This article is going to explain how I show my dog what I know. It is also going to explain how I establish responsibility and limits to the relationship I build with my dogs.
The content of this article will mean more to you if you take a minute and read the article I wrote titled My Philosophy of Dog Training.

Love is Not Enough

The vast majority of behavioral problems are caused by mistakes that were made in the basic foundation of how relationships were set up between owners and their dogs.
I call these "mistakes in ground work (GW)" and I define ground work as "that work which involves establishing pack structure with a new dog."
Many people think that loving a dog is enough to form a good relationship. These people are dead wrong.
Unconditional love is never enough. Love has conditions and boundaries along with mutual trust and respect. Unless humans deal with the respect issue in love they will never have a relationship with a dog in which the dog looks at them as a pack leader.

What is "Ground Work?"

When I talk about GW, I am not talking about training a dog to come, or heel, or sit. I am talking about teaching the dog how I plan on living with it. I am talking about how I establish pack structure with a new dog.
The way we handle a dog in our day-to-day life will teach that dog a great deal about yourself, your pack, and your pack rules.
How and when I do anything with the dog -- whether it is grooming, feeding or exercising him -- along with my general attitude when I am around him will tell the dog volumes about our future relationship.
I call these the first steps to establishing a family pack structure.
When we bring a new dog into our home the decisions we make on how we live with that dog and the methods used to train that dog have long term implications on what kind of relationship we develop with the dog.
I tell people they may not think of themselves as a dog trainer, but the fact is every time we are around our dog we are teaching the dog something. The question is are we teaching it something good or something bad? Some people don't know the difference? Hopefully this article and my DVDs along with my web site will help people get off on the right foot.

The Solutions to Most Behavioral Problems

The solution to almost all behavioral problems lies within changes owners need to make in the way they live with their dogs.
Unlike humans, dogs live in the present. Human psychologists almost all focus on the past to find answers to current problems. This is fine for a human but it's a mistake to think that this is how to fix a pack animal.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that modifications to training don't need to be made for a dog that was truly abused. The fact is the term "abuse" is used far too often when trying to explain behavioral problems.
I always tell pet owners that I never change my philosophy of how to live with or train a dog just because it had a bad experience in the past.

It's Never Too Late

I want to make a point here and that is if you currently have a problem with your dog it's never too late to consider making changes on how you live with your dog.
In fact if you have a problem it's imperative that YOU DO MAKE CHANGES because the way you have been living with your dog has allowed these problems to develop.
Never forget what I said: Dogs live in the moment and they miss nothing. The old adage about not being able to teach an old dog a new trick is just that  bad, old information.
So it's never too late to turn things around. It's never too late to start to do things correctly. You just need the patience and confidence in what you are doing to fix your problems.

Judi Singleton is a free lance writer she writes 20 blogs a week, you can advertise in her blogs for $5. a ad per blog

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Are You A Cat Person or A Dog Person? Do You Enjoy The History of Our Pets?

Photo (c) Chanan Photography/Richard Katris

Over the last thousands of years, cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves.  In the beginning, they were used for one purpose - hunting and killing rodents.  As the years progressed, we began to breed cats more to our liking.  Now days, there are several different breeds of cats - which you can tell if you look closely.


These days there are over 70 distinct cat breeds, which are recognized through cat registries.  There are several registries that will recognize around 40 breeds or so, as they exclude the more domestic breeds such as tigers.  There are also many variations as well, including wild cats that have longer hair.
American Curl
There are some cat breeds who have roots going back quite a bit in history.  Some Japanese breeds, such as the Japanese Bobtail, can be traced back more than 1,000 years in history.  These cats were very common and well known throughout Medieval Japan.  Now days though, they are all but a myth throughout Japan and the entire world.
The more common cat breeds that are found in North America include the alley cat, long haired cat, and Persian cat.  Siamese cats are also common, although they are well known to be talkative, extremely smart and loving.  Persian cats are very popular, proving to be loving companions.

  Persian cats can be very expense, depending on where you get it and what type of Persian cat it is.

Mixed breed or alley cats are the most common in North America.  There are actually several different breeds, although most of us just refer to them as alley cats.  They make good pets, although there are literally thousands of them in existence.  Cats are known to breed more than any other pet, and they will continue to breed until they are stopped.  What people call alley cats are among the most bred, as there are hundreds of thousands of cats that are homeless - Shelters put cats down more often than they find them homes.

The Bengal is a large, sleek and very muscular cat. Bengals are strong, intelligent cats who form strong bonds with their owners.
An interesting trait of the Bengal is their love of water, they may scoop water with their paws before drinking and love to play in puddles or in the shower.
They are agile, love to climb & can be vocal with a distinctive voice. They get along well with other pets & people.
Bengals should retain the look of the wild but with the temperament of a well balanced domestic cat. The Bengal is self-assured, affectionate and playful, with the stunning looks of its wild ancestor.

  Persian cats on the other hand, are easily identified by their body type and their hair.It is said that the ancestors of today's Persians were brought back from far away Persia along with silk, jewels and spices by explorers in the 17th century. They became a status symbol and were much sought after.

They were named Persians after their Country of origin. Their true origin is not completely known. References to Persians can be found in hieroglyphic records as early as 1684BC

Australian Mist 

The most outstanding aspect of the Australian Mist is its temperament.  The kittens are lively but not boisterous. They are an extremely affectionate breed and very people orientated. They prefer to spend their time with their owners and are always involved in family activities. The even temperament makes them excellent pets for anyone even very young children.
Over the years, there has been quite a few breeds come along.  Cats were one of the first pets, and easily one of the most popular.  Millions of people around the world own cats, with many people preferring a cat over any other pet - including dogs.  No matter breed of cat you get - you’re sure to get a pet who make for a great companion for years and years to come.

A Balinese is a Siamese wrapped in a long flowing silky negligee.
Intelligent and elegant, to see one glide across the room in it's coat made of silken threads flowing gently down its body, culminating into a magnificent plume tail is truly a marvel to behold.
Elegant, luxurious, regal and refined are some of the words that help describe this living piece of art.

The Birman has point which means its face, ears, legs, tail and feet are a different color from the rest of its body. Kittens are born completely white and begin to show their points anywhere between 2 days and 2 weeks.
The Birman is a beautiful long hair cat with a medium to heavy body weight, brilliant blue eyes and a silky coat in a variety of different coloured points. Birmans have four white gloves on each of their feet.
Birman coats are easy to care for because they do not mat although they still need regular grooming.

Nikky Horner in Kentucky bred the first Bombays in 1953 with selective breeding between a sable Burmese and a black American Shorthair. The breeding program continued with the result of a totally black cat with a short shiny coat and huge copper eyes. The Bombays bred true and in 1976 the Bombay was recognised for championship status in The Cat Fanciers' Association

The Bombay Appearance

With its jet black, gleaming coat, gold to copper eyes, solid body and sweet facial expression, the ideal Bombay has an unmistakable look of its own. It is not a natural breed but a genetic hybrid, with distinctive features that separate it from its foundation (parent) breeds.

Cats are now bred by humans for certain traits but humans have not done any better than cats left to their own breeding. Almost all purebred cats are a combination of several breeds. So they all are basically alley cats. 

"Dog people" and "cat people" really do have different personalities, according to a new study.
People who said they were dog lovers in the study tended to be more lively -- meaning they were more energetic and outgoing -- and also tended to follow rules closely. Cat lovers, on the other hand, were more introverted, more open-minded and more sensitive than dog lovers. Cat people also tended to be non-conformists, preferring to be expedient rather than follow the rules.

Judi Singleton is a free lance writer who can: