Saturday, May 2, 2015

I Read This Wonderful Story About Zeke A Lab Who had A Sixth Sense

Picture downloaded from the link below if you would like to read the whole story please 
go and read about Zeke and Gerald.

I read this article in The Tampa Bay Times about a Lab named Zeke who saved his owners life over and over again.  Gerald Rittinger  and his wife Jeanne got this little pup who picked them they said.  The first time they went to see the pups Zeke broke away from the other puppies and ran right to Gerald.  Well Jeanne did not really like dogs but she had to travel on business a lot and her husband had type 2 diabetes and prostrate cancer.  She did not want him to be alone so much so she got Zeke to keep him company while she was away. Well Zeke grew into a 115 pound dog.  Who ended up saving Gerald"s life over and over again.  The first time it happened they were going to buy Gerald a tomb stone.  His doctor had just told him he had prostrate cancer and his type 2 diabetes, was getting worse.  Zeke was riding in the back seat but all of a sudden he began to ease himself forward and nudge Gerald. Jeanne told him to lie down and tried to pull him back but he was not to be deterred.  He kept nudging Gerald until he had to pull over and as soon as he had pulled over he had seizures if Zeke had not nudged Gerald and insisted he pull over they would of all been 

Some dogs can be trained to smell out bedbugs, bombs, and diabettes, but Zeke never had
 any of that training he just seemed to sense when Gerald was in trouble and could warn him 
so he could call 911 or take his glucose tablets. Sometimes he had no warning but would find
Gerald slumped in a chair or on the living room floor. He then would run next door and knock
on the neighbors door to get help for Gerald.   One night Zeke woke Jeannie in the middle of 
night. Gerald had a stroke and had Zeke not waken Jeannie he would of died. She says 
she knows of at least 30 times the dog saved Geralds life.  
Isn't this a wonderful story.  Zeke and Gerald are still alive.  Zeke hangs on even though he is really old now just to save his master. It brings tears to my eyes just reading this story. What a wonderful love story.  I have read so many stories by vets that say dogs are not capable of love. They just love us because it is convenient for them. But anyone who has ever had a loving dog or cat knows that animals are 
very capable of love. I had a wolf husky for 21 years and she would do anything for me. I never got 
another dog after she died there just was not another one like her for me.  I live with a fat cat 
named Sophie now. I know she loves me.  I hope you enjoyed this story as much as me. 

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