Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bathing a dog

Bathing a dog needs to be given more emphasis. This is because of the fact that if you are careless in bathing, the animal may end up having some infections.  For example, if you don’t close the ears with large cotton ball, the water may enter into ear canals and may cause some ear infections with signs like constant discharge from the ears and shaking of head.

Frequency of bathing actually depends on the breed of the dog. If the dog is of a hairy type like the cocker spaniel, then the bathing is to be carried out once in six to eight weeks. If these breeds are bathed too frequently, then the skin and coat loose the protective characters.  However, when the dog has defecated on the skin due to the frequent digestive upsets leading to diarrhea, to avoid the bad smell, the dog may be subjected to frequent bathing some times by the owners.

Take more care in avoiding some irritant soaps or human soaps. The soap materials used for human beings are not suitable for dogs.  Similarly, many human shampoo products are having some ingredients that are not suitable in the proportions that are to be used in case of dogs. Hence, always try to use the shampoo products that are mentioned mainly for use in dogs. Take more care in using any new product.

Always have good time and patience for products required for bathing in one place with availability of water source.  Dogs love the sprinkling of water, river, and oceans.  Even when you are using bathtub, have everything in one place and then start bathing of the dog. Try to have a leash, conditioner, towel, and shampoo in the bath place.

Conditioner is of helpful to make the combing activity easier later. Bathing should be a convenient activity to both the dog and the owner. This should not be a burden.


Avoid Table Scraps in Your Dog's Diet

We have all done it.  Our cute, little furry friend is practically smiling at us from beneath the kitchen table.  The ears are perked and the tail is wagging.  We know what our dog is after.  Just a tiny tidbit from dinner would be delightful, right?  What could it hurt?  It is just a bite or two after all.

Hold Fido's ears he won't want to hear this.  A dog's diet really should not contain table scraps.  People food is just that...for people.  A dog's nutritional needs are not the same as a human's.  Sure, we eat some of the same things, but feeding your pet from the table is one of the biggest mistakes for  your pet.  A dog's diet doesn't require all the added goodies we put into our meals.

People have problems with obesity.  A dog can have this problem, as well.  If your dog's diet consists mostly of scraps from the dinner table, chances are high that your dog will have trouble maintaining a healthy weight.  Even a few pounds over weight can really make a difference in the quality and length of your pet's life.  Curb the begging and stick to your guns.

When you have a dog who is not a picky eater, it can be tempting to let your pet be the garbage disposal in the home, but really, this is not a good idea.  Certain people foods can harm your dog and should never be a part of your dog's diet.  Grapes, for example, have been known to cause serious problems for dogs, even death.  Chicken bones and popcorn can also be a problem for your dog.  Permitting large quantities of chocolate can be dangerous in a dog's diet.

A poor diet even shows up out in the yard.  When your dog's diet is not at its best, your pet's outputs will be greater in size, smell, and mess.  Benefits of choosing a healthy diet for your dog will be noticeable in your pet's health, as well as, during those walks around the block.

There are a few occasions when a supplement or treat from the kitchen may be alright, but never in excess.  Talk to your veterinarian about healthy snacks for your dog's diet.  If you simply must continue feeding Fido at the table, many vets recommend you give your pet ice cubes or pieces of carrot to munch on between scheduled feeding times.  Providing your pet these healthy alternatives to pizza and cupcakes gives you the freedom to choose a healthy and nutritious snack for your dog's diet.

So, the next time your beloved pet starts eyeing your grub, redirect his or her attention. Don't reach for your fatty steak or chicken leg.  Instead, toss your buddy a cool, refreshing ice cube to bat around and munch on.  A couple of baby carrots will keep Fido happy and leave you feeling good about your choices for the nutritional value of your dog's diet.  You will know that you are doing your best to maintain a high-quality diet for your pet.    

A Dog's Diet Influences Oral Health

Your dog is your very best friend.  Every single time you walk through the door your dog is so happy to see you that he wags his tail and practically smiles at you.  How can you show your pet how much they mean to you?  Well, one way is to take care of that smile for your pet.  Did you know that your dog's diet can influence their oral health?

Humans need to brush and floss their teeth regularly to keep their teeth, tongue, and gums in good condition.  Research has recently shown a link between good oral health in humans and a lower risk of heart disease.  If good oral health can have such a profound affect on people, then it only makes sense to consider the impact it can have on man's best friend.

It is important to brush your dog's teeth frequently to keep plaque and tartar from becoming an issue.  Even wiping his gums with a clean, damp cloth can be beneficial.

Your dog's diet also plays a role in your pet's oral health.  Do you typically feed your dog canned or dry dog food?  What kind of treats and toys do you provide for your pet?  All of these things can affect the likelihood of trouble with your pet's teeth.

When your dog's diet is nutritionally sound, containing essential vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes, your pet's oral health will be at its very best.  Feeding dry dog food rather than a moist canned variety is best for your dog.  The tiny kibbles' hard surface rubs against the teeth to remove and reduce plaque.  The simple act of moistening the dry dog food with water or gravy eliminates this property from dry dog food.

The treats you give your pet are part of your dog's diet just like snacks are part of a person's diet.  As humans, we tend to want to overlook our snacking habits, so it can be easy to overlook the treats you give your dog.  This is not a good idea.  Carefully consider any and all items your dog will consume.

Do you give your dog bones, rawhides, jerky treats, or dog biscuits?  Maybe your pet prefers greenies or corn starch chews.  You may not have considered it, but tossing Spot a rawhide chew is like giving him a candy bar.  The rawhide, for example, contains calories and is often provided between meals.

Many of the treats and snacks you provide in your dog's diet can be just empty wasted calories.  Some treats, alternatively, provide the excellent opportunity to improve oral health.  Greenies, rawhides, bones, and hard dog biscuits all help to keep tartar at bay.  The softer snacks, such as jerky treats, do not provide much relief from plaque.  The healthy treat, on occasion, will also prevent your dog from having bad breath.

Your dog's diet must be healthy to ensure excellent oral health.  Dry dog food is best whenever possible.  Don't forget to select treats for your pet that will enhance your dog's diet.  Consciously monitoring your dog's diet will positively influence your  best friend's oral health.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My Dog Was Hit By A Car! What Should I Do?? Plus- Pet First Aid Kits

What to do if Your Pet is Hit By a Car, and What to Put in a Pet First Aid Kit. by Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM   As a pet owner, one of my worst fears is having my dog or cat hit by a car. In the Vet world, we call this HBC. SIGNS You may see it, and...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

“Alternative” necklaces for our cats and dogs


Alternative Veterinary Medicine is the practice that analyzes and takes into consideration a wide range of topics that have a direct impact on the well being of your pet. It includes the areas of Holistic, Integrative and Complementary practices that use a combination of conventional and alternative methods to find the best answers for solving your pet’s problem or distress.

Many doctors that understand alternative canine and feline medical practice will give a comprehensive evaluation that encompasses your pet’s behaviors, diet, environment, emotional stresses, and a variety of other factors. Veterinarians that recognize these practices will provide many additional services that go beyond a standard physical examination.

You can now revitalize your pet's senses with hand made collections of healing gemstone necklaces! What about that? Yes, now is possible to offer “alternative”  necklaces to your “kid”. On a simple search on the Internet you will find pet boutiques that sell unique pet jewelry and accessories online. Be sure to check out the matching bracelet collections, too – they are truly small treasures. The gemstones are not only beautiful but also have the wonderful ability to rejuvenate your four legged friend through alternative healing methods.

Aromatherapy is also an effective complementary therapy in psychological treatment, beneficial in alleviating many conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression. There is an undeniable connection between smell and memory. The term Aromatherapy refers to the therapeutic use of aromatic oils, or "essential oils". Essential oils are the concentrated aromatic essences extracted from plant sources such as woods, flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, and resins.

Did you know that breathing in pleasant scents eases psychological problems by activating positive emotional responses from the part of the brain that controls memory and emotion?

Browse for specialized pet web sites and you will be able to purchase adorable fragrant charms, in variety of textile designs and several colorful styles. And be sure you get them made of 100% cotton! They look good and smell great! Or... you might prefer an exclusive collection of aromatic bandanas. This special accessory provides a unique healing essence while keeping your pet in style. They also come in a variety of colorful designs and should be made of high quality 100% cotton. The bandanas are stuffed with aromatic filling containing essential oil. Choose your favorite bandana style that fits your dog or cats aromatherapy needs.

Wouldn't you like to keep your pet as healthy as stylish? I wouldn't waste anymore time and I would check out the Internet!


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Animal Lovers Converge On Pet Fair

#155256950 /

Puppy Leaks - Our Top 3 Blog Posts of 2014

You guys are amazing. Without your support I don't know where this blog would be. You guys have embraced me as a newcomer and I couldn't be more grateful. I want to thank all of you in the pet blogging community for being so damn awesome. And as you...

Why Do Dogs Steal Laundry?

When it comes to dirty laundry some dogs are excellent thiefs. Socks, underwear, towels, old t-shirts - nothing's off limits when it comes to some canine kleptomaniacs. Dogs Are Natural Scavengers With their history of scavenging our canine companions...

How to Avoid a Dog Bite

How to Avoid a Dog Bite by Nate Myers A couple years ago I had the opportunity to travel to Honduras, a country in Central America. There are many stray dogs there and avoiding their bites was something I dealt with every day. I was a long way away from...

Dog & Puppy Advice - Bringing Home Your First Miniature Schnauzer

If you have decided that the dog that you wan to become your personal and loving companion is going to be a miniature schnauzer, you need to realize that this little breed is very loving and is a ball of energy and can also be kind of a little show off....

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

“Basic Principles In A Dog Lovers Club”


The American Kennel Club has a dog lovers sections called “For the Love of the Purebred Dog”. This article is more than a canine purebred section. It is dedicated to living at home with dogs. This dog club gives informative and educational materials pertaining to pet care, training, nutrition and a lot more. It also includes funny stories, art, pet history and the more popular Companion Animal Recovery method. There are also more popular sites like the dog breeds and events page.

The American Mixed Breed Obedience Registration or (AMBOR) on the other hand was created in 1983 with the objective of taking into accounts the perseverance and accolades in obedience contests of mix breed dogs and handlers. This dog lovers club also gives support and inspiration to dog handlers.

Important Information for Members:

1. Mixed-breeds

Unlimited full membership is open to handlers and owners of mixed-breed dogs as long as the pet is spayed and nails are cut. There should be front and side photo shots of the dog that will be included in the application. This is the ticket to all the obedience and agility programs, automatic tabulation in the agility and obedience nationwide ranking system. This also includes a given eligibility for the annual awards.

This achievement will be given honor in AMBOR highlights (AMBOR’S newsletter) and on the website. The member will be eligible to any agility and obedience national competition in the future. Dogs with assigned numbers are marked as purebred and should be enlisted as a purebred. Also, dogs that are listed as mixed-breeds that are given a number based on the owner’s application causes its membership to be changed to a status of a purebred.

2. Purebreds

Purebred dogs can be listed with AMBOR with a rule that entry is limited to the AMBOR-supported agility program. All dogs that are purebred, listed with AMBOR and exhibits AMBOR-supported programs on agility will have competition points monitored and there will be an automatic issuance of certificates.

Dogs that are purebred and listed with AMBOR are not qualified to be a part of the agility and obedience scoring systems. They will also not be included in the website on highlights and not qualified for any mixed-breeds national competition in the future.

Handlers that register to the AMBOR-supported trials on agility should put their AMBOR number on the form at the club’s entrance so that competition points will be monitored.

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Most The Most Amazing Dog Tricks

 There are amazing dog tricks performed by trained dog. I suggest your dog don't do this at home. I will be adding videos to this post momentarily so stay on "PAWS." Post by My Dog Can't . Post by My Dog Can't . Post by My Dog Can't . Tweet #mydogcant...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Going for Long Term Cat Care

On the off chance that you are wanting to be a pet owner, you must be prepared for the long haul, considering all it takes to raise a cat. One is looking at a 15 to 20-year commitment. Are you ready to make that kind of commitment? Everything must be arranged so as to maintain a healthy and safe home life for your feline companion. Felines are pleasant friends. Be that as it may, you need to comprehend their needs. To begin with, your feline needs to eat. Be that as it may, you can't sustain your cat companion your left-overs from the table unless you get them just as they are very young. It is ideal to search for the best cat food on the market that can give your buddy jolt of energy and additionally great well being. You either spend a lot of money on cat food or at the vet. I personally spend it on cat food. Most of my pets live into their 20's and never go to the vet except on rabies shots, which in this state, you as an individual are not allowed to give. You have to assign cash for that. You can give up a few extravagances to have the capacity to accommodate your pet's requirements. Yet, that will all be justified. You will be happy to see your feline happy and healthy. You likewise need to verify that the encompassing your feline is living in is free from anything that can bring harm to your pet. Try not to let anything that is deadly or toxic, be where your cat can get into it. You need to cat-proof the house, when they are babies, just as human babies need you to set limits so they do not hurt themselves. I had a kitten crawl down a heating pipe once took a lot to get him out, had to cut some of the floor and pipe to get him out. Keep chemicals away from them, latch cupboards so they can't get in where chemicals are stored. Use mesh gates so they can be kept where you can see them. What's more, with regards to tidiness, you have the right pet. Felines are known for spending abundant time in cleaning themselves. What's more, in light of the fact that you have a vain housemate, you should likewise be clean with everything. You have to keep their litter boxes clean at all times. Did you realize that the feline's feeling of smell is 14 times more grounded than yours? You may not notice a thing, but rather your feline will. They do not want to wade through waste and get their paw soiled to go to the bathroom. Self-cleaning litter boxes are really good for this reason, especially if you are at work all day.They won't do their thing in a dirty litter box in the event that it stinks. You may get the amazement of your life to see your feline's craps well covered up under your perfect rug or what about that bushel of clean garments. Try not to give your feline motivation to not use the box. Give them what they need. Furthermore, it's a clean and scent free litter box. You additionally need to locate a decent specialist for your felines. The minute that you get a pet, begin making companions with your nearby veterinarians. Be aware of the most straightforward manifestations that your feline may indicate. Just by watching your pet, you will know whether something isn't right. Call the vet instantly and ask their assessment. Long haul In the event that you are have decided you need a cat, and have decided what breed, would be right for you, and you can give that cat a forever home, then you might truly be the right person to own one. Unless you can give a cat a forever home do not get one. None of us can see the future so be sure you make provisions for your pets if something happens to you. Leave provisions in your will. Talk to your friends and family about who would be willing to take your cat if something happens to you. Chip your cat so if it get's lost or we have another, Hurricane Katrina, or another kind of disaster, you can be reunited with your pet. You can't make a commitment to that cute little kitten then want to get rid of it as soon as it grows up. That kind of thinking is why the shelters are full and thousands of animals are put down daily in the US.unless you have money to spay or neuter your pet do not get one. Take an older pet from a shelter that already has been spayed or neutered. However, they need booster shots, so unless you are going to be able to manage that just do make the commitment. So before you adopt a feline into the family unit, think things through again and again. Also, you must have the financial means, the emotional capacity, the time, to meet the obligations of being a pet owner. Providing for a forever home for a cat is a huge commitment. Just be sure you have talked it over with all family members and you all agree to share the responsibility. Animals are not disposible. They can add great joy to your life, but they come with great commitment and responsibility. Shop at for stylish, discerning women over 50

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Henry Smith MP joins the Big Walkies

Henry Smith MP and his dog Frisbee joined the RSPCA at their Big Walkies event at Tilgate Park on Sunday, 13 th September. Henry said; "I'm always pleased to support the RSPCA and their protection of animals, and it was great to see so many dog lovers...

DIY Natural Flea Spray Recipe: Getting Rid of Those Pesky Fleas!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links for a monthly subscription offer. Regardless, I only share offers from websites I trust. My family and I go through the same thing every year starting from the spring all the way through to the end of summer....

Thursday, September 10, 2015

"The Rock" salva dois cães de afogamento

"The Rock" salva dois cães de afogamento IVO GERALDES  | Hoje às 13:58 Dwayne Johnson partilhou, no Instagram, o susto que apanhou no fim de semana. Os seus dois novos cães quase se afogavam na piscina da sua casa, se o ator não tivesse intervido...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Basic Introduction to Cat Eye Care

The eyes of your cat like companions have frequently been utilized on blood and guts movies. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you are a pet proprietor, you will realize that the feline's gaze is truly the inverse of what's being depicted on movies. That is the reason you need to know the significance of feline eye care. I Love You How do felines say these words? Through their eyes, obviously. That is the reason you shouldn't be unnerved by that look. How can this work? To start with, the feline gazes at you for quite a while. Furthermore, after that, it squints its eyes gradually. A few individuals label this as a feline's kiss. Yet, you can likewise say that this is your feline's method for saying that it adores you. However, how help you return out? Simple, simply take after your feline's lead. Gaze at it for quite a while and after that gradually squint your eyes. Could it be any more obvious? Felines' eyes can likewise be utilized as components for sentimental movies. Not a Third Eye Try not to trust the thrillers you see. Felines don't have a third eye. Their visual perception is truly more honed than with people. Rather than a third eye, what felines have is a third eyelid. This is known as a nictitating film. This internal eyelid shields the eyes of the felines from mischief furthermore from dryness. You will see that when a feline is debilitated, this layer will to some degree close. This ought to caution you to call the vet or get your feline to them quick. In any case, this third eyelid will likewise indicate once a feline is cheerful. So you will realize what state of mind your feline is in just by taking a gander at the film. The Pupil Your catlike companion's understudy of the eyes ought to additionally be watched. An adjustment in size of one student can be a sign of an aggravation. It can likewise be an indication of a sort of an issue in neurologic called Horner's Syndrome. Then again more regrettable, it can likewise show tumors or wounds in the focal sensory system. The Nocturnal Vision Try not to accept what others say that felines are partially blind. They see some. They may not see as clear as people do, but rather it's not care for that they can't see any hues by any means. Felines can likewise see obviously from a far distance. It's altogether different from individuals. They think that its hazy to be taking a gander at things that are so near them. Yes, felines have the nighttime vision. In any case, they can't see in complete dimness. Do you see the muscles on their iris that encompass the understudies of their eyes? They are developed in a manner that it limits into a vertical split when they are uncovered in the splendid lights. Also, it opens completely when the demonstrations are in a very diminish light. This element of the felines may be followed back to their roots. They can utilize such to chase for nourishment amid the night on the off chance that they were forgotten in the wilderness or left with nobody to administer to them. So disregard the blood and gore movies. You've as of now got the rushes. Not it's a great opportunity to put some into feline eye care. Try not to let a minor thing decline. Call the vet instantly while something's awry. You don't need your feline to lose their sight or even lose their lives. It is constantly preferred to be sheltered over visually impaired. Shop where the discerning woman over 50 buys fashionable clothes